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“Support Django” Fundraising Campaign Extended to July 20th

Over the last two weeks we’ve been running our joint promotional campaign with Django Software Foundation in order to help:

  • Reach the goal to fully fund the Django Fellow program which is crucial for the future of Django
  • Continue contributing to different outreach and diversity programs such as Django Girls workshops
  • Sponsor official Django conferences
  • And much more

The campaign was meant to end today, July 14th. So far hundreds of supporting developers have purchased PyCharm at a 30% discount, with all proceeds going to help support the Django Software Foundation.

Considering the campaign is so successful, we at JetBrains and the DSF have opted to extend the offer until July 20th! Which, coincidentally, will cover most of DjangoCon 2016.

We would like to thank all of you who are taking advantage of this great offer to help fund Django development and related activities into the future. Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues, and perhaps we can make this fundraiser one of our largest yet!

Contributing to Django is simple:

  1. Click this link to go to the PyCharm annual subscription page.
  2. On the checkout page, сlick “Have a discount code?”.
  3. Enter this 30% discount promo code:
  4. Fill in the other required fields on the page and click “Place order.”

Read more details on the special promotion page.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Django at or JetBrains at

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