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Productive Python with PyCharm tutorial materials from PyCon India 2016


September 23th – 25th, the JetBrains PyCharm Team will be in New Delhi, India for PyCon India 2016. As an important part of our participation, we’re going to conduct a 3-hours Productive Coding with PyCharm workshop on Friday and give a “Polyglot Python with PyCharm” talk on Saturday.

Good news, everyone can take advantage of this workshop, as we have all the materials publicly available. The tutorial is broken down into separate sections each of them represented by a number of steps and tasks. It’s perfectly suitable for self-studying as most of the sections have accompanying videos explaining the most important concepts and the code samples available on GitHub, so you can go to any section/step just checking out the code required. The tutorial writeup details the work to do, followed by an analysis section, and an extra credit section.

The tutorial is intended for developers with no previous PyCharm experience so the materials in the tutorial are pretty basic. We encourage you to check it out and recommend it to your friends and colleagues who’re interested in starting Python development with PyCharm. Your suggestions and comments are very welcome in the comment section of this blog post.

For those of you who’re going to visit PyCon India 2016, we invite you to stop by our booth with your questions and chat about your experiences with PyCharm and other JetBrains tools. We will be raffling PyCharm licenses so be sure to register and grab some of our cool giveaways!

Your PyCharm team
The Drive to Develop

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