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Django/PyCharm promotion results and future partnership

We’re happy to announce the results of the Django/PyСharm fundraising campaign we ran this summer. Overall the campaign was a huge success. Together we raised a total of $50,000 USD for the Django Software Foundation!

All money raised will go towards Django outreach and diversity programs: Django Girls workshops, the Django Fellowship program, sponsoring official Django conferences, and others. Additionally, a portion of money will be used to fund the support for type hints in a future release of Django, which is the next step of our partnership:

pepThe type hinting standards, first introduced in Python 3.5, are already quite stable, with only a few amendments over the last year. With this work, which is starting soon, the DSF will be funding Django core developers and other community members to help with bringing type hints into future versions of Django.

There’s no exact timeline for the project yet, but keep an eye on the django-developers mailing list and the Django blog for updates as work progresses.


The DSF general fundraising campaign is still on-going, and we encourage everyone to contribute to the Django success by donating to DSF.

If you have any questions, get in touch with us at or JetBrains at

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