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PyCharm 2020.2 Out Now!

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Complete the full Pull Request workflow, quickly catch exceptions, and apply project-wide refactorings. All without leaving your IDE. Download the new version now, or upgrade from within PyCharm.

New in PyCharm

  • New pull request dedicated view: You no longer need to switch between the browser and your IDE to manage your GitHub Pull Request workflow. Do it all in PyCharm!
  • Smart in-editor exceptions preview: Don’t spend time browsing your code after exceptions. PyCharm now automatically finds it for you and displays a preview of the problem directly in your editor.
  • In-place signature-change refactoring: Simply add, remove, or edit your method signature in-place and use context actions (Alt+Enter) or the new gutter-icon to preview the changes and apply the refactoring.
  • Support for Django configuration constants completion in Stop typing the same Django configuration variables in over and over again. Speed up your flow and let PyCharm autocomplete documented Django settings for you.

These and a lot more!
Read about them all on our What’s New page or check the release notes.

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