
Together, We Supported Python!

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Last November, PyCharm joined forces with the Python Software Foundation (PSF) for their end-of-the-year fundraiser. From November 9 to December 1, all proceeds from every new PyCharm Professional Edition license purchased with the discount code ‘SUPPORTPYTHON21’ went to the PSF’s general fund.

The Python Software Foundation is the main organization behind the Python programming language. As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and donations to support its work. You can always donate yourself through their website.

JetBrains and the PSF would like to thank all of you who took part in this campaign. Together, we raised $25,000 in less than a month! Contributions like those from PyCharm users help the PSF maintain a healthy balance and continue to support the Python community and its various outreach and diversity programs.

We hope that you enjoy using Python in 2022 and that PyCharm will be a powerful and reliable partner for your journey!

The PyCharm Team

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