PyCharm 2023.1 Release Candidate Is Out!
PyCharm 2023.1 is just around the corner! Check out the fixes and improvements we added to the PyCharm 2023.1 Release Candidate.
To see what has already been added in PyCharm 2023.1 during the early access program, take a look at our EAP blog posts.
The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. You can also manually download the EAP builds from our website.

Faster variable value previews for large collections
We optimized the performance of the Special Variable window available in the Python Console and Debug Console. A preview of the calculated variable values is now displayed faster, even for large collections such as arrays, deques, dictionaries, lists, sets, frozensets, and tuples.

To see the full list of variable values, click on View as …, Load next to the variable preview.
Instant access to the Python Console and Python Packages tool window
As part of our work to refine the new UI, we’ve put the Python Console icon on the main editor screen so that you can instantly navigate to the console when needed. Next to the Python Console icon, you can now find the icon for the Python Packages tool window, so you can quickly manage project packages.

The Release Candidate also delivers the following fixes:
- Creating a remote Docker interpreter with an ENTRYPOINT defined in a Docker image or Dockerfile no longer leads to an error. [PY-55444]
- Breakpoints are hit as expected when debugging a FastAPI project. [PY-57217]
- Attaching a debugger to the process now works for ARM (Mac and Ubuntu). [PY-44191]
- Virtualenv is now successfully activated on PowerShell in the Terminal. [PY-53890]
- No warnings are shown for undocumented methods of subclasses with docstrings. The same works for an undocumented class in cases when it has a documented superclass. [PY-30967]
These are the most important updates for PyCharm 2023.1 Release Candidate. For the full list of improvements, check out the release notes. Share your feedback on the new features in the comments below, on Twitter, or in our issue tracker.