Bugfix Releases

PyCharm 2023.2.2 Is Now Available 

You can update to this version from inside the IDE, using the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are an Ubuntu user. Also, you can download it from our website.

Download PyCharm 2023.2.2

Here is the list of the most important improvements that you’ll find in this update: 

  • PyCharm now has basic code insight for type parameters (PEP 695)
  • It is now possible to install Python packages from PyPI when using Python 3.12. [PY-61694]
  • The Arguments field in the Python Run configuration dialog is now located on a separate line. [PY-61907]
  • In the Branches popup, it’s now possible to disable the Recent section via the Show Recent Branches setting. [IDEA-326901]
  • The Shift+Enter shortcut works as expected, opening files from the Search Everywhere tabs in the right-hand side of the split screen. [IDEA-326670]
  • The Project tool window once again displays the list of directories. [IDEA-326394]
  • The issue causing performance degradation when working with Markdown files featuring tables has been resolved. [IDEA-326905]
  • The IDE no longer hangs on the splash screen because of the Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-1” error. [IDEA-314813]
  • The IDE once again properly preserves the EditorConfig formatting. [IDEA-326450]
  • The IDE no longer displays irrelevant pipelines for GitLab merge requests. [IDEA-326509]

To find out more information about the issues resolved, please refer to the release notes.

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions on how to further improve the IDE, please submit your feedback in the comments below, on Twitter, or by using our issue tracker.

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