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The Python IDE for data science and web development


PyCharm 2023.3.2 Is Out!

The second bug-fix update for v2023.3 is now available.

You can update to this version from inside the IDE, using the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are a Ubuntu user. You can also download it from our website.

Here are the most notable fixes and updates that PyCharm 2023.3.2 brings:

  • PyCharm now correctly resolves <code>pytest_plugins</code> for pytest fixtures declaration. [PY-62419]
  • The test runner now works fine with Django 5.0. [PY-53355]
  • We’ve fixed several issues that were cropping up when working with the HTTP Client. [IDEA-332986IDEA-224825IDEA-296844]
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the IDE to display a blank window when opening a second project in full-screen mode on macOS. [IDEA-339992]
  • When using borderless mode on Windows, the IDE once again correctly restores the position of a window that had previously been snapped to one side of the screen. [IDEA-250563]
  • We’ve fixed the issue causing the IDE to crash on startup due to errors appearing when parsing the UI theme. [IDEA-340108]
  • The main menu is displayed for all open projects on the tiling desktop when working on Linux. [IDEA-328047]
  • The IDE no longer erroneously resets namespaces during actions like ApplyRefresh, and others when working with Kubernetes. [IDEA-339448]  
  • The branch checkout from the Pull Request pane has been fixed. [IDEA-339471
  • When you work on Linux without a window manager, the main menu is now displayed for all open projects. [IDEA-337548]

For more information about the issues we’ve addressed, please refer to the release notes

If you experience any other issues, please report them to our issue tracker.

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