Quality Assurance

Tools for Quality Assurance and Test Automation

New Update for the Aqua Public Preview

We have been working hard to make Aqua more stable and bring increased functionality that test engineers need.

For this update, we want to share some fixes and new features that are ready for you to try. You can download the latest version from our website, update directly from the IDE, or update via the free Toolbox App.

Enhanced testing features include:

  • Handling of untrusted websites in the Web Inspector [AQUA-45].
      • Now, when a website is untrusted, we show you a dialog with the certificate’s details, and you can decide whether to accept or reject the certificate. Furthermore, you can see accepted certificates in

    Settings Tool | Server | Certificates.

  • Autocomplete options for ID and Class names [AQUA-6].
      Aqua now suggests existing IDs and class names from the web page in the Web Inspector.

Further improvements to the IDE experience:

  • Faster import of Maven projects.
  • New Java inspections and ​​Java 20 support.
  • Improved Extract Method refactoring for Java.
  • Autocompletion in the JVM options field.
  • Java SDK is now detected from the Gradle toolchain.
  • Improved code review workflow for GitHub.
  • Merged logs from all Docker Compose containers.
  • Support for Azure Container Registry.
  • Docker container health statuses are visible in the Services tool window.
  • Better code insight for Python generic classes.
  • Python Packages tool window enables the management of the attached projects’ packages.
  • Usages inlay hints in Code Vision.
  • Automatic conversion of strings to template literals for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Full IDE zoom.
  • Improvement in the experience of Markdown editing.

That’s it for now, but don’t worry – we are listening to your feedback. We are almost finished with the support for Cypress and Playwright, so stay tuned for our upcoming release announcements.

Please use this form to share your feedback or ask any questions you might have.

To receive news about the latest improvements, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter!

Happy automated testing!

The Aqua team

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