Early Access Program Events

Eating our own dog food. With pleasure!

Hello everyone,

During this week we were trying our best to figure out what it’s like being on the other side of the fence!

These days all the members of RubyMine team devoted themselves to development with RubyMine 5.4.2. As a result we’ve got an application that manages our internal library. It has a back-end part that handles the data related to employees and books available for reading at the moment, Web interface that allows users to request and reserve books and an iPhone app as well to make the reservations easier. Now we have a tool that manages the library, and what’s more and more important is that our issue tracker has been filled with a bunch of bug reports and, of course, usability problems that we experienced while coding with Ruby, Rails and RubyMotion.

This was the second attempt to walk in your shoes and it was an eye-opening experience, as it was at the first time as well, and we’ll definitely do it again. We’re going to analyze all the issues we’ve found and rework our development plans according to them. Stay tuned!

Develop with pleasure!
JetBrains RubyMine Team

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