Early Access Program News

RubyMine 2017.2.3 EAP: Better Debugger

Hi everyone,

RubyMine 2017.2.3 EAP has been released, introducing a number of improvements for the debugger and other bug-fixes.

Better Debugger

Our recent drive to enhance performance has affected the debugger too. In this RubyMine EAP we’re bringing these debugging improvements:

  1. No more issues with multi-process debug targets. Now it’s possible to debug servers like Passenger, Zeus, and Foreman painlessly. Moreover, Attach to Local process now perfectly works with these servers: just select the web/deployment server during the attach phase, and RubyMine will stop at the breakpoints in all its subprocesses.
  2. The debugger is now smart enough to detect costly operations triggered by watch expressions evaluation. It will stop such operations if they’re likely to slow down the debugging process. For example, if any tracked variables use SQL queries for the `to_s` evaluation, RubyMine will not slow down during stepping, which it did before.

Other improvements

These and more bugs have been fixed in this update:

Download this Early Access Program build from Confluence.

See the release notes for the full list of improvements, and please report your issues to the


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