Early Access Program

RubyMine 2021.1 Beta 2: New VCS Features

RubyMine 2021.1 Beta has been updated! In this post, you’ll learn about the new features for VCS support:

Pull request improvements

We’ve made several improvements to the pull request process, making it more efficient.

To create a new PR, click on the + icon or go to Git | GitHub | Create Pull Request. The IDE will open a form in the Pull Requests view, prompting you to provide the details.
When creating a new pull request, you can select the desired branches from a new drop-down list that includes all the branches available for the current project.

Pull requests improvementsGIF

The Files tab contains the changed files. If you double-click on any file there, the IDE will open the in-editor diff for that file.

In the Info tab you can select the head repository and its branch, enter a PR title and description, appoint reviewers and assignees, and add descriptive labels. You can also create draft pull requests.

RubyMine 2021.1 now supports PR templates. Add the pull_requst_template.md file with the PR description to your project, and every time you create a PR this description will appear in it.

Configure a profile for pre-commit inspections

You can now choose a code inspection profile before committing changes to VCS.

To access this feature, click the gear icon in the Commit tool window to show commit options, select the Analyze code checkbox, click Configure, and choose the desired profile. Profiles can be created in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Inspections. The IDE will use the selected profile when inspecting your code before the commit.

Inspections before commit

Support for Git commit message templates

RubyMine now has a Git commit template. You can use it to create custom commit messages depending on your needs. If you define a commit template, the IDE will display the text from it as an initial commit message.

Git commit template usageGIF

Save to shelf

In v2021.1, we’ve added a Save to Shelf action, which copies your changes to the Shelf while keeping them in the local changes. To access this action, press ⇧⌘A (Ctrl+Shift+A) and type ‘Save to Shelf’.

Save to shelf actionGIF

You are welcome to download the latest EAP build from our website or via the Toolbox app. The full list of closed tickets in this EAP build is in the release notes.

To learn about the newest features as they come out, please follow RubyMine on Twitter. We post product news and tips several times a week.

As always, we encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below and to create and vote for the features you would like to see in the issue tracker.

Happy Developing!
The RubyMine team

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