Early Access Program

RubyMine 2022.1 EAP5

RubyMine 2022.1 EAP5 is now available. Below you can find the most notable improvements in this version.

Ruby and RBS

A new inspection for missing type signatures

We’ve added a new inspection called Missing type signature for Ruby declaration. It reports missing type signatures for classes, modules, constants, global/instance/class variables, methods, and aliases.

The new inspection is enabled by default but will only show a warning if an RBS gem is present in the project. To disable this inspection, go to Preferences/Settings | Editor | Inspections | RBS | Data Flow.

A new inspection for missing type signatures

A quick-fix for mismatched type signatures

RubyMine reports inferred types in Ruby code that don’t match the expected type from RBS. Starting with v2022.1, you can quickly navigate to the corresponding RBS file in such cases.

A quick-fix for mismatched type signaturesGIF

Docker support

New Services view UI

We have significantly reworked Docker’s UI in the Services tool window. The makeover has been implemented for containers, images, networks, and volumes.

New Services UI

Docker Registry V2 supports

We’ve added support for Docker Registry HTTP API V2 to use with Docker 1.6+. You can create simple or password-protected Docker V2 registries and perform all of the usual actions like viewing, pushing, and pulling images.

Docker Registry V2 supports

Web and frameworks

Better Next.js support

In this release, we’ve improved support for the popular Next.js framework.

Thanks to the out-of-the-box support for React, all of the basic functionalities should have already been working in your Next.js projects. Some of the framework-specific things didn’t work as expected, though. One of them was support for pages.

Starting from v2022.1, this should no longer be a problem. RubyMine will resolve paths used in the href property of your Link components. Code completion, navigation, and refactorings like Rename will work, too.

Support for Next.js

Other notable improvements

  • Support for Corepack, an experimental Node.js tool that lets you use Yarn and pnpm without having to install them. If you want to give it a try, make sure you run corepack enable in the built-in terminal – the feature isn’t turned on by default.
  • Integration with Volta, a JavaScript tool manager. RubyMine will automatically recognize Yarn and npm installed using Volta.
  • Tailwind CSS completion now works in FreeMarker templates.

Join the Early Access Program

You can download the latest EAP build from our website or via the Toolbox app. The full list of closed tickets in this EAP build is in the release notes.

We encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below and to create and vote for features in the issue tracker.

Happy developing!
The RubyMine team

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