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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio


Scala plugin 0.7.264 and Play2 plugin 0.2.49 were released!

We are happy to announce new versions of Scala and Play2 plugins for IntelliJ IDEA 12.

Currently we are planning to make releases at the beginning of every month. This is one part of huge plan to make plugin more stable and regular. Nightly builds are still available to get fixes more quickly.

New features:

  • Inplace rename for generators and enumerators bindings in for expressions
  • Replace do-while with while and vice versa intentions
  • SCL-5603 Inspection for simplifying boolean expressions with boolean literals
  • SCL-5602 Inspection for double negations in boolean expressions
  • Create from usages quickfix in route files of Play2 project


  • Performance improvements
  • SBT-based compiler improvements
  • Improved method dependent types support in highlighting
  • SCL-4935 More robust breakpoint positioning for macro-arguments
  • SCL-5594 Single tuple argument in case classes generates right unapply method
  • SCL-4699 Browsing types (CTRL-N) defined in package objects
  • SCL-5569 Fixed type inference for generic Scala methods in Java
  • SCL-4703 Extra closing brace added incorrectly due to parsing error in scala doc
  • JavaScript parser errors caused by scala injection in Play2 templates
  • Formatter improvements in Play2 templates (fixed HTML indenting)