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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

Features Releases

Scala and Play 2 Plugins Update 0.41 is Out

Good news, everyone! New versions of the Scala and Play 2 plugins have just arrived, packed with long-awaited new features and improvements.

Major new features of the update are:

  • Scalastyle support
  • Show implicit parameters improvements
  • Better Spray support
  • Unicode arrows support
  • Unwrap/Remove action
  • Procedure syntax support
  • Error highlighting now checks variance position in your code
  • Improved code completion in SBT files
  • Quick-fixes that create classes, objects and traits from usages

For more details on these features check out the blog posts we published recently: about 0.41 EAP and 0.41 RC1.

Spread the word, and don’t forget to share your feedback with us through our discussion forum and issue tracker.

Develop with Pleasure!