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Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

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IntelliJScala @ ScalaCon 2022

ScalaCon 2022 has come and gone. It started on Tuesday, October 4, and over the course of 4 days, the audience had the chance to enjoy 21 talks and 2 keynotes. JetBrains was a Gold Sponsor of the event, which meant that we, the Scala Plugin team, had the opportunity to participate, present a lightning talk, and answer questions from attendees who came to our virtual booth.

In our lightning talk, we shared tips for improving the performance of IntelliJ IDEA and the Scala plugin. In most cases, your laptop should be perfectly capable of running them. Still, there are certain situations where a trick or two could help with slow initialization or lagging when highlighting warnings and errors, or could simply improve your overall experience with IntelliJ IDEA. The talk was pre-recorded, so if you missed it, you can still watch it here.

Among the other talks we enjoyed were Martin Odersky’s keynote, Simply Scala, and Josep Prat’s Preparing Apache Kafka for Scala 3. In both of them, the speakers promoted simple, concise code that is well-planned and written in a way that allows future maintainers to work with it easily. In the Scala plugin team, we believe that our work helps developers do just that.

And what about you? What talks did you like? You can find us on Twitter or Discord and share your thoughts.