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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

News Releases Scala Scala programming

IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2022.3 Is Out!

This release has been again focused on Scala 3, but there are also quite a few other improvements.

Better Scala 3 support

In v2022.3, we’ve introduced a large number of upgrades to provide better Scala 3 support. The IDE now supports parameter untupling and quoted patterns, and it features many improvements to the support for match types and type variables. There is now type inference for type variables, and they are parsed correctly for pattern-matching purposes. Named arguments in the trait constructor are now correctly handled, and you can use an action to quickly create a Scala 3 enum file or just an empty Scala file for top-level definitions. We also have numerous TASTy Reader enhancements, resulting in better highlighting accuracy and improved editor performance.

Quickly create a Scala 3 enum file or just an empty Scala file for top-level definitions

Parameter types and context bounds

Parameter info is now displayed for type parameters (previously it was only displayed for value parameters), and it is now smarter. Formerly, you may have seen that in the Parameter Info popup, the context bounds were desugared, showing implicit parameters. Now the code in the prompt is resugared and more readable. This might be especially useful for maintainers of libraries that use higher-kinded types.

The code in the prompt is resugared and more readable

New Can be private inspection

Sometimes it is possible to make a public class, method, or field private or protected. When the code is complex, however, it can be challenging to know whether this is the case. A new Can be private inspection now helps you be sure, and it will also propose a quick-fix. By actually marking members that can be private as private, you can keep interfaces separate from implementation details, making it easier to understand the code. This also reduces the noise during autocompletion, making the process of using it easier and faster, with less cognitive load incurred. It even improves the performance of the compiler and of the IDE.

“Can be private” may help you make sure you can change the access

Create parameter from usage

If you have an unresolved symbol inside a method, there is now a new quick-fix that lets you add this symbol to the list of the method’s parameters.

A new quick-fix lets you add a symbol to the list of the method’s parameters

But wait, there’s more!

If your project requires the compile order to be first Java, then Scala, and you use SBT or Maven, you might have encountered an issue where after refreshing the project from the build script, the order is automatically changed to “Mixed”. This is fixed now.We now have previews for quick-fixes displayed by default when it’s applicable, we support the new Settings Sync plugin, and we made performance improvements to actions such as checking if a class member has overrides, expensive lookups of elements, and to the compile server’s performance.

We now have previews for quick-fixes displayed by default

Dropped features

We dropped support for some old and unused elements of the Scala ecosystem:

  • Scala scripts
  • Scala Server Pages
  • Lift framework

As always, your feedback is very welcome. Please report any issues you find to YouTrack. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us on Discord.

Happy developing!

The IntelliJ Scala plugin team