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Labeling the VCS roots of finished builds

TeamCity has two ways to label the build’s sources: automatic and manual one. So, let’s start with adding labels into the VCS for the build’s sources.

TeamCity can optionally add a label into the version control system for the sources used for a particular build. This can be useful, for example, when you need to have all the build’s sources to reproduce it. Opt to apply the VCS label for all builds or only for successful ones.

TeamCity supports VCS labeling for VCS roots managed by the following configuration management systems:

  • ClearCase,
  • CVS,
  • Perforce,
  • StarTeam,
  • Subversion.

The labeling takes place after the build’s finish and doesn’t affect the build status.

To enable the builds labeling:

    1. Navigate to Administration section, select the already existing project in the Projects list or start creating a new one.
    2. Go the step 2 “Version control settings” definition, select the labeling mode and save your changes.


Besides automatic build labeling, you can label sources used for a build manually. Navigate to the Build Results page, Changes tab and click Label this build sources link.

See more in TeamCity online reference.

Technorati tags: TeamCity, teamware, new version, StarTeam, Subversion, Perforce, CVS, Clear Case, labeling, Java, .NET, continuous integration, agile

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