
First EAP for JetBrains Issue Tracker

Our in-house issue tracker code-named Charisma that we have blogged about before is from now on publicly available!

The very first Charisma Early Access Program has started — you can now download the tracker and try it out on your own server (see installation instructions for details).

Of course, the version that you use to report TeamCity issues has also been updated, and seems to be cleaner than before. By the way, have you read useful tips and watched Charisma demos on its Welcome page (under the ‘Hints’ tab)?

While the EAP is a big step forward, we still have a long way to go towards beta, and we encourage you to report any bugs that you may encounter, or make feature requests — you can do both here.

Start investigating the new JetBrains product in your own environment, and help us make it better every day!

Technorati tags: Charisma, TeamCity, pre-tested commit, personal build, remote run, JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, continuous integration, build management, agile development,

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