Contests FYI News

TeamCity Plugin Contest 2016: One Week and Counting

Greetings everyone!

For one more week TeamCity Contest is accepting new plugins: you have until December 6, 2016 to submit your creations!


Make sure you use this opportunity to win up to $3,000 in Amazon gift certificates, a trip to a JetBrains office, or the All Products Pack 1-year subscription. Oh, and remember that a 1-year subscription for a JetBrains IDE of your choice is guaranteed for any accepted plugin!

This is the final call for submissions – the results will be announced on December 15, 2016.

Hats off to our creative users who have already sent us their plugins!

All accepted submissions are published to our new TeamCity plugin repository. Follow our blog for the news and check the #TeamCityContest hashtag on Twitter!


Our forum and tracker are awaiting your feedback!

Happy developing and building!

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