Early Access Program

Jade Support in WebStorm 5

Hi there! Following many requests from you guys WebStorm 5 gets initial support for working with Jade templates. Let’s spend a couple of minutes and go through the current features.

What you usually start from is the Doctype for resulting HTML file. The IDE will help you with completion for the statement itself and for default doctypes:

Given a doctype, WebStorm will provide code completion for HTML tags according to the selected schema:

All the Jade statements are also part of the code completion:

To help you choose the right file in extends or include statement WebStorm provides completion for file paths:

The IDE validates specified paths and allows you to create missing files with the quick fix:

Note: regular Comment/Uncomment and Fold selection actions work in Jade (default shortcuts are Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+period).

Last but not least: you can change colors for all the Jade tokens in Settings.

This is all for now, and you can try all this in the latest WebStorm 5 RC.
But more goodness is in our roadmap: support for blocks, mixins and for embedded JavaScript and CSS fragments! Keep following this blog and twitter for the latest news!

Create amazing templates with pleasure!
JetBrains Web IDE Team

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