Early Access Program

WebStorm 8 EAP (build 134.1081): Bower, improved spy-js and AngularJS support and more

Thank you for participating in WebStorm 8 Early Access Program! We started it almost a month ago and today we’d like you to try the next EAP build.

Download links you can find on WebStorm EAP page. This build is free and can be used for 30 day, not active subscription is required.

Here is a short summary of new features in it:

  • spy-js: seamless automatic proxy configuration on start, instant display of detailed call stack for selected event, autoscroll to trace option, exclude list for events and files you don’t want to trace, improved UI
  • AngularJS support: code assistance for ng-repeat and improved code completion inside {{}}, improved support for ui-routing
  • REST client improvements: Cookies
  • Bower integration: search through Bower registry, manage components in the IDE
  • RequireJS aliases support
  • Less 1.6 support

We’d also like to mention that we’ve implemented a workaroud that solves the issue with Node.js debugger: now by default node starts with –nolazy flag.

Read more about spy-js, Bower and REST client in this post. Or have a look at the release notes.


One of the most significant improvements in spy-js is an automatic system proxy configuration. Check this box when creating a new spy-js configuration and WebStorm will automatically enable system proxy to trace the events in your browser.

Note that there are some known issues with this automatic configuration:

    • On Mac OS X (starting from Mountain Lion) network settings change require user authorization, so when “Automatic system proxy configuration” is enables, you need to enter your admin password when starting/stopping spy-js to apply/rollback settings. You can disable the authorization with command:
      sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/networksetup
      (can be rolled back any time,  read more about it here).
    • Opera 12 on Linux needs the following (one-time) configuration: Preferences – Network – Proxy Server – Use automatic proxy configuration:

Spy-js tool window usability was significantly improved:

  • Now you can almost instantly explore call stack for the selected event in the events list
  • With Auto-scroll to trace option enabled single click on the element in the middle of Event stack panel you can see the trace file in the editor window
  • With Exclusion list you can specify events or files that you don’t want to trace: add you custom exclusion rules or right-click on event and select Mute.


Bower integration

We added Bower integration available in Preferences | JavaScript. It allows you to:

  • see the list of components installed in your project;
  • update components;
  • search through bower registry and install new components.


REST Client: we have Cookies!

In the built-in REST client we added Cookies support: you can add and modify cookies and see the list of cookies sent by the service. This feature allows you to handle service authorization and working with cookies much better while testing.


Download links you can find on WebStorm EAP page. We welcome your feedback in the comments and on our issue tracker.

Develop with pleasure!
– JetBrains WebStorm Team 

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