
WebStorm 2018.2.2 is now available

WebStorm 2018.2.2 is now available!

You can install this update by using Toolbox App or the IDE, or by downloading WebStorm 2018.2 from our website.

React Native improvements

There’s now code completion for properties in the standard React Native components:


Add all missing TypeScript imports in the current file

Now, if there is more than one missing unambiguous imports in your file, you can press Alt-Shift-Enter to add them all at once. Look for the blue import popup.


If you have the auto import popup disabled, you can press Alt-Enter and then select the Add all unambiguous imports quick-fix.


Other improvements and fixes

  • Initial support for JSX in CoffeeScript is now available
  • Node.js debugger now shows the async call stack for the forked child process (WEB-33667)
  • Extract React component now generates prop types as a type declaration in Flow (WEB-34010)
  • Extract React component also works correctly with shorthand object properties (WEB-34157)

For the full list of issues addressed in this bug-fix update, please refer to the Release notes.

WebStorm Team

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