The WebStorm Team
WebStorm 2019.1.2 is available
WebStorm 2019.1.2, the bug-fix update for WebStorm 2019.1, is now available!
Here are some of the fixes and improvements available in WebStorm 2019.1.2:
- False positive warning about a top-level this in JSX (WEB-38467)
- Performance problem when resolving symbols from the reselect module was fixed (WEB-38158)
- The IDE will detect a test runner when it’s installed but not listed in package.json (WEB-35160)
- Create new React-TypeScript projects from the Welcome screen – Create New Project – React App (WEB-35582)
- Reorder Terminal tabs with Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right on Windows and Linux and Alt-Cmd-Shift-Left/Right on macOS (IDEA-202809)
Please also see the Release Notes.