
WebStorm 2019.1.4 is available

WebStorm 2019.1.4 is now available!

You can update using Toolbox App or from the IDE. You can also download these updates from our website.

Here are some of the fixes and improvements available in WebStorm 2019.1.4:

  • Several problems and performance issues when working with Angular projects were fixed (WEB-39587WEB-39085WEB-39115, WEB-39460, and more)
  • It’s now again possible to use the detached editor on macOS (IDEA-189984)
  • The IDE no longer loses focus after pressing Esc in the Find in Path dialog (IDEA-215107)
  • Problem with adding braces in the attribute value in CoffeeScript was fixed (WEB-39059)

Please also see the Release Notes.

Last week we have released WebStorm 2019.2. This major update brings a lot of new features and improvements, including those that are available in WebStorm 2019.1.4.

The WebStorm Team

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