Early Access Program

WebStorm 2022.1 EAP #6

WebStorm 2022.1 EAP build #6 is now available. To catch up on all the new features, check out our previous EAP blog posts.

The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. You can also manually download the EAP builds from our website.


Important! WebStorm EAP builds are not fully tested and might be unstable.

Below you can find the biggest improvements in WebStorm 2022.1 EAP #6. Please try them out and share your feedback with us in the comments below. If you want to report a bug or submit a feature request, you can do so directly in our issue tracker.

UI improvements for the debugger

To maximize the usable space in the Debugger tool window, we’ve hidden the tab labels by default. To make them visible again, or to customize their location, use the Show Tab Labels option in the Layout Settings or call it via Search Everywhere dialog (⇧⇧ / Shift+Shift) with the Debug tool window in focus.


Exporting UML diagrams to other formats

It’s now possible to export UML diagrams as yEd .graphml, JGraph .drawio, Graphviz .dot, Graphviz .dot with positions, Mermaid .md, Plantuml, and IDEA .uml files, which makes them compatible with third-party tools. To export, use the corresponding action from the context menu available on right-click.


That’s it for today. For the full list of improvements available in WebStorm 2022.1 EAP #6, check out the release notes.

The WebStorm team

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