Early Access Program

WebStorm 2022.2 EAP #7: Improvements for Docker and HTTP Client

WebStorm 2022.2 EAP build #7 is now available! To catch up on all the new features, check out our previous EAP blog posts.

The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. You can also manually download the EAP builds from our website.


Important! WebStorm EAP builds are not fully tested and might be unstable.

Below you can find the biggest improvements in WebStorm 2022.2 EAP #7. Try them out and share your feedback with us in the comments below. If you want to report a bug or submit a feature request, you can do so directly in our issue tracker.

Improvements for Docker

Upload local Docker image to other connections

You can now copy images from one Docker daemon to another using the new Copy Docker Image action. It saves the image to a file and then pushes it to the chosen connection.

Copy Docker images and add to another connection

Docker auto-connection at IDE restart

WebStorm now automatically connects to Docker when you restart the IDE. This new setting is enabled by default in Preferences / Settings | Advanced Settings | Docker.

Connect to Docker automatically on restart

Docker connection options for different Docker daemons

As of v.2022.2, WebStorm integrates with Colima and Rancher to support more options for establishing connections to the Docker daemon.

Updates for the HTTP client

Support for WebSocket endpoints

WebStorm 2022.2 supports WebSocket connections, which allows you to create requests as well as send and receive messages.

Support for WebSocket endpoints in WebStorm

Support for GraphQL endpoints

With the 2022.2 release, we’ve also introduced support for GraphQL requests in the HTTP client. WebStorm can now send GraphQL queries over HTTP and WebSocket protocols. For http:// and https:// simple HTTP requests are used, while ws:// and wss:// are delegated to the WebSocket executor.

Running GraphQL in WebStorm

UI/UX improvements for the HTTP client

We’ve introduced a couple of UI/UX improvements to the HTTP client. We’ve added a way to select a run environment from a gutter icon. To enable this feature, choose the Select Environment Before Run option from the Run with combo box.

Select environment before run setting

We’ve also improved the Response view by adding a progress bar, which allows you to track the download status.

Response progress bar

For the full list of improvements available in WebStorm 2022.2 EAP #7, check out the release notes.
The WebStorm team

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