
Webinar Recording: WebStorm’s Power User Manual: Angular Edition

The recording from the WebStorm’s Power User Manual: Angular Edition webinar is now available on the JetBrains YouTube channel!

In this webinar, WebStorm Power User Chau Tran shared some of his favorite Angular tips and tricks that he uses in his day-to-day work. Whether you are just starting out with WebStorm or have been using it for a while, you’ll find something interesting.

We’d also like to share answers to some of the questions that were asked during the webinar:

Are there any plans for further improvements for Angular in the upcoming releases?

If you’ve been following our Early Access Program releases, you might’ve noticed that we’ve spent quite a bit of time improving our Angular support. The most important addition that we’ve made is support for Angular standalone components. We have more Angular 14-related improvements coming – stay tuned for the WebStorm 2022.2 release!

Are all the displayed tips related to Angular available to me even if I work in another JetBrains IDE?

Yes, WebStorm’s features, including Angular support, are available in PhpStorm, PyCharm Professional, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, and other IntelliJ-based IDEs. Certain features may require you to install a plugin, but there will be no difference between how they work in WebStorm and other IDEs.

What are the most important WebStorm shortcuts that I need to memorize?

There are several noteworthy shortcuts that our users find helpful. The two shortcuts that were brought up a lot during the live stream were Find Action (⇧⌘A / Ctrl+Shift+A) and Search Everywhere (⇧⇧ / Shift+Shift).

To see our team’s selection of ten shortcuts every WebStorm user needs to know about, check out this blog post.

We hope you enjoy the webinar and discover something new! If you have any ideas about other topics you’d like us to cover, please share them in the comments below.

The WebStorm team

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