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On Writer's Side

Intelligent tools for writers and new ways to write better

Meet the Writerside Team at Events in 2023

To stay ahead of the curve, the Writerside team attends various events to discuss new trends, technologies, and best practices for authoring and publishing technical content.

Come meet us, get a quick demo of our product, and discuss the latest developments in writing and publishing docs-as-code.

Here are the team’s plans for 2023 👇

1. NORDIC TechKomm, Stockholm, March 21–22

At this annual event with an independent nordic spirit, content authors gather to discuss modern trends, pain points, and hot topics in the field of technical communication.

On March 22 at 9:00 am, our colleague Alina Terekhova will host an interactive session to brainstorm about future trends in technical content delivery. Stop by to discuss what will shape the next 5–10 years in technical writing.

You’ll recognize us by our signature magenta T-shirts 😎

✅ Attended! Field notes from the conference

2. Write The Docs Portland, May 7–9

This is one of the largest conferences for documentarians held by the Write The Docs community. Writerside’s product lead, Anna Gasparyan, was there last year to give a talk about content reuse. This year we’re going to Portland with the JetBrains Grazie team to give you a comprehensive look at the natural language tools from JetBrains.

✅ Attended! Field notes from the conference

3. soap! Conference, Krakow, June 1–3

The focus for this small and cozy community event in the lovely city of Krakow this year is on content operations. We plan to hold an unconference session on documentation delivery, as well as publishing pitfalls and best practices.

✅ Attended! Field notes from the conference

4. API The Docs, Amsterdam, June 6–7

API documentation is one of our main targets this year, so we want to dive into the trends that are emerging in this area. Since part of our team is located in Amsterdam, this is an event we truly can’t miss. Meet our team at the talks and in the lobby to discuss all things related to API documentation.

5. WeAreDevelopers World Congress, Berlin, July 27–28

We believe that all members of development teams are writers. That’s why we will be attending one of the largest conferences for software engineers in Europe. Our plan is to show off the tool that helps entire teams write documentation without leaving their favorite IDE.

6. LavaCon, San Diego, October 14–17

We’re thrilled to have our own booth at this legendary content strategy conference. LavaCon is one of the premier events for technical writers and content strategists. Let’s meet up there!

7. tcworld, Stuttgart, November 14–16

We wouldn’t miss the tekom association’s oldest and most well-respected conference. We invite you to stop by our booth to get a quick demo session of the writing tools from JetBrains. We can chat about things like content reuse and profiling, documentation versioning with Git, and how to approach docs-as-code without fear.

Do you have any recommendations for conferences and events we should attend next year? Are there any fantastic (tech) writing events that we’re missing in 2023?

Share them in the comments below 🤓 👇

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