Early Access Program GoLand

GoLand 2021.1 EAP Build #2 Is Out!

GoLand 2021.1 EAP build #2 is here and ready for you to install.

You can get the EAP build via the Toolbox App, download it from our website, or use a snap package (for Ubuntu). Or from inside GoLand, select Automatically check updates for Early Access Program in Preferences / Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

Download GoLand 2021.1 EAP #2

Quick-fix for type incompatibility inside composite literals

We’ve expanded the application area of the quick-fix that addresses type incompatibility. Now it also suggests implementing an interface and converting to the expected type inside composite literals.

Built-in HTML preview

We’ve added a new built-in browser preview that helps you quickly preview HTML files. Any changes you make to HTML files in the IDE, as well as in the linked CSS and JavaScript files, will be immediately saved, and the preview will update on the fly.

To open the preview, click on the GoLand logo in the widget located in the top right-hand corner of the editor.

Maximize editor tabs in the split view

Need more details when working on multiple files simultaneously in a split editor? Double-click the tab you’re working with to maximize the editor window for it. To bring that tab back to its original size, simply double-click it again.

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