IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
Meet IntelliJ IDEA Team at JavaOne 2014
September has finally come and it means that one of the most anticipated events for all Java developers from around the globe, JavaOne, is right around the corner: it will will take place during September 28 – October 2 in the sunny San Francisco, CA. Of course, JetBrains is already gearing up for the event, and we’re looking forward to seeing you there.
Our booth will feature conversations with the IntellIJ IDEA team, discussions about what’s coming in this year release of IntelliJ IDEA 14, demos of our other JetBrains products like TeamCity and YouTrack, and of course, our traditional license raffle.
Be sure to also mark your calendar for two sessions by our very own Hadi Hariri and Konstantin Bulenkov:
IntelliJ IDEA: 42 Tips and Tricks
Hadi Hariri – Developer Advocate, JetBrains
Thursday, Oct 2, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Hilton – Continental Ballroom 5
An IDE is so much more than an editor, yet people seem to compare one to another. This session looks at IntelliJ IDEA and gives you 42 tips and tricks that will make you a more efficient and productive developer. From searching for symbols to having a smooth worfklow when working with version control, the presentation examines all the things that make it possible to have a pleasurable development experience. You’ll be guaranteed to leave this session knowing things you probably didn’t even know existed and were afraid to ask if they did. Maybe even find out why it will be 42 tips.
The Emerging Languages Bowl: The Big League Challenge by
Hadi Hariri – Developer Advocate, JetBrains
Wednesday, Oct 1, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Hilton – Continental Ballroom 7/8/9
Scripting languages that are emerging and not yet mainstream vie with each other to stake a claim that they have the potential to become mainstream and be regarded as big-league. Don’t miss this panel discussion, in which these emerging languages are portrayed by their respective champions, who explain how they may help your everyday life as a Java developer. To present a complete picture, the session includes some languages that may not run on the JVM. Afterward you will have a better grasp of the emerging languages and the ecosystem. One or more of the languages may catch your fancy for doing development alongside Java.
Brewing Your Very Own IDE: A How-To Guide
Konstantin Bulenkov – Team Lead, JetBrains
Thursday, Oct 2, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Hilton – Golden Gate 4/5
No one knows how many programming languages there are in the world. New languages are born all the time, some to become really popular and widely used, some to occupy specific niches, and some to die slowly (or quickly). But for any language, what really makes it usable is having an adequate environment to work in. This session describes how to use the open source IntelliJ platform to build your own IDE and how to implement perfect support for a language from a single BNF file.
Develop with Pleasure!