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Join the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Content Creators

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The Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Beta is approaching, and the technology ecosystem is continuing to grow and mature. We can’t help but mention the community efforts in this area. Developers all over the world are sharing their experience adopting the technology, providing tips and tricks, and creating great educational samples and other pieces of content to inspire learners and help сomplete the official resources.

We’ve started the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Content Creators Recognition Campaign. Our goal is to show all of the authors of articles, videos, and samples how much we appreciate their efforts. We want to help focus more attention onto all of this great content because it helps drive the adoption of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. Today, we would like to share three pieces of content:

It’s impossible to mention all of the authors, so we’ve decided to pay attention to the freshest content. However, it’s never too late to become a part of the growing community of Multiplatform Mobile content creators. Once every three months, the Kotlin team will choose their favorite content and help promote it by:

Looking for content ideas? Here is the list of the most requested Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile content topics. It was made by the Kotlin Multiplatform GDE (Google Developer Experts) group, who know everything about creating the most in-demand content!

  • Getting my iOS team sold on the idea of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
  • Writing Kotlin APIs that look nice in Swift.
  • When to use interfaces and when to expect/actual features.
  • Maximizing the amount of shared code.
  • Getting started with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: sharing analytics between iOS and Android.
  • Migrating large projects to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.

This list is just to give you some inspiration, so don’t hesitate to share your experience on any other topics. We believe that our community has much more to say, and we’re looking forward to seeing your expert content! Don’t forget to add the #kotlinmultiplatform tag (or another standard tag for Kotlin Multiplatform) if the media platform you are using allows it.

To make sure we don’t miss your articles, videos, sample projects, or any other type of content, drop us a link at kmm.feedback@kotlinlang.org.

Last but not least, we can’t help but mention Kotlin Partner companies who have been continuously investing in the Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem since its release:

  • Touchlab – authors of KaMPKit, a collection of code and tools designed for getting started with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile quickly and xcode-kotlin plugin, which allows debugging Kotlin code running in an iOS application directly from Xcode.
  • IceRock – creators of Moko, a collection of Kotlin Multiplatform libraries.
  • Kodein Koders – authors of Kodein, a painless Kotlin Dependency Injection.

The Kotlin team would like to thank all of the ecosystem contributors and content creators. Your input is invaluable, and together we’ll make the Kotlin Multiplatform Ecosystem even better!

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