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Kotlin 1.7.20 Released

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The Kotlin 1.7.20 release is out! Here are some highlights from this release:

For the complete list of changes, refer to What’s new in Kotlin 1.7.20 or release notes on GitHub.

How to install Kotlin 1.7.20

If you already use IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3, 2022.1, or 2022.2, the IDE will suggest updating Kotlin to 1.7.20 automatically. You can also update manually by following these instructions.

For Android Studio Dolphin (213), Electric Eel (221), and Flamingo (222), the Kotlin plugin 1.7.20 will be delivered with upcoming Android Studios updates.

If you need the command-line compiler, download it from the GitHub release page.

If you run into any problems

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Special thanks to our EAP Champions 🥇👏

As part of our effort to maximize the release quality of Kotlin 1.7.20, we launched an experimental program where we invited people working on production-grade Kotlin projects to migrate them to the new version. While validating their projects on 1.7.20-Beta and 1.7.20-RC, they reported issues and helped us stabilize the release. For example, they discovered a major issue with the new Kotlin/Native memory model and several issues with the compatibility of Kotlin compiler plugins. These people are our EAP Champions and we want to give a big thank you to them:

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