Early Access Program
AppCode 2.0 EAP build #126.206
Hey guys,
once again we have some new features for you for a great beginning of the week, some of them are long-awaited, some are just cool. Here’s the list:
- Navigation between tests and classes (Cmd+Shift+T).
- Surround code with -respondsToSelector: (Alt+Cmd+T).
- New code generation options: -initWithCoder: and -encodeWithCoder: (Cmd+N).
- Analyze Crash Report action that symbolicates crash reports and adds links to actual code.
- New code inspection: “Symbol is assigned but never accessed”.
Additionally we have sped up the reindexing upon external project changes, fixed a number of issues you have reported, plus we continue working on memory usage optimization.
You can download the latest build from EAP page. As usual, issue reports and feature suggestions are very welcome in the tracker.
Develop with Pleasure!
The AppCode Team