
AppCode 2018.2 is here!

Please welcome the release of AppCode 2018.2!

Read on to learn about the improved Rename and a new Extract Closure refactoring for Swift, new completion features and breadcrumbs, lots of code assistance improvements, SQL editing and database management, Touch Bar support, and more!


Download AppCode 2018.2


Extract Closure

The newest member of the Swift refactoring family, Extract Closure, is here! Select the code you want to extract into the closure, press ^T and select Closure…:
Extract Closure

Easily reorder closure parameters and change their names:

Reorder parametersGIF


Rename Swift symbols in your code faster with no additional dialogs displayed:

Inline Rename for SwiftGIF

The Rename refactoring works correctly for Objective-C block arguments, class names exported to Objective-C from Swift using the @objc attribute, Swift enum cases in Objective-C, and lots of Objective-C declarations that are translated to Swift using special heuristics.


Have ‘?’ inserted automatically for optionals:

Completion for optionalsGIF

Complete Swift attributes instantly just by typing @:
Attribute completion

Use breadcrumbs to quickly jump to a specific place in code:

Swift breadcrumbsGIF

Comments preview for extensions

Having trouble distinguishing one Swift extension from another? AppCode is here to help, showing you documentation comments preview in the Structure view (⌘7) and Class/Symbol (⌘O/⌥⌘O) navigation popups:
Comments prevuew

Override / Implement

Method stubs are correctly generated for members with the same name from superclasses and protocols, mutable properties, and optional protocol members not implemented in the superclass:

Override/Implement improvementsGIF


Add/Remove explicit type intentions, which were added earlier in AppCode 2017.3, can now be used for Swift iterations:

Add/remove explcit type for iterationsGIF


AppCode now correctly handles the output of custom LLDB scripts (such as Chisel):

For a long time enabling/disabling breakpoints could only be done with the mouse. With AppCode 2018.2, we’ve added these options as quick-fixes available via ⌥⏎:
Breakpoint intentions

Build messages

Target names are correctly displayed as Information nodes:
Build targets

The script output for any Run Script phase is now hidden under the collapsible node and does not clutter the build output anymore:
Run Script phases

Database support

The Database support plugin is now bundled in AppCode! It includes the first-class SQL and database management functionality from JetBrains DataGrip, our cross-platform IDE for databases. See it in action in this short demo:

Touch Bar support

Run, build, and debug your project, commit changes and update the project – right from the Touch Bar:
Touch Bar support

All available Touch Bar contexts can be customized in Preferences | Appearance & Behaviour | Menus and Toolbars | Touch Bar.

Version control

Starting with AppCode 2018.2, you can open as many VCS Log tabs as you need:
Multiple Log tabs

Delete a Git tag from a commit from the context menu of the Log tab:
Delete Git tag

Open the required repository state in the Project Tool Window using the Browse Repository at Revision action:
Browse repository at revision

Finally, easily skip the Push dialog when using the Commit and Push action. Set up your preferred behavior in Preferences | Version Control | Git:
Show push dialog

User interface

We’ve reworked the interface icons to give you a flatter, cleaner, more modern UI:
New UI icons

Read about the design process in this blog post.

That’s it! Explore all the new features in detail on our website and start your 30-day free evaluation to try them!

Download AppCode 2018.2

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