
New AppCode 2019.3 EAP: Formatting Improvements and Catalyst SDK Support Fixes

Hi everyone,

A new AppCode 2019.3 EAP build is available for download on our site.

The highlights of this update include:

  • Unit tests support for Catalyst SDK (OC-19181, OC-19170)
  • Formatting improvements:
    • Keep simple property blocks with willSet/didSet in one line using Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Swift | Wrapping and Braces | Keep when reformatting | Methods and functions in one line
    • Keep empty type declarations in one line using Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Swift | Wrapping and Braces | Keep when reformatting | Empty type declarations in one line

For the full list of fixes, please see the release notes.

Your AppCode Team
The Drive to Develop