
C++ team on the move! Meet us in Berlin


Meeting C++ conference is coming to Berlin, December 4th-5th! And we’ll be glad to meet you there!

This year event will bring you 28 talks in 4 tracks and 2 keynotes. The detailed schedule is available here.

You will find our booth on the main floor of the building, across the Track A/Keynotes venue. We’ll be there on both conference days to show you CLion, AppCode and ReSharper C++ demos, answer any questions, share tips&tricks and our future plans.

Be sure to fill our C++ quiz and win a free license! Give it a try – even if you don’t win, we’ll send you a discount.

And don’t miss a talk from Dmitri Nesteruk, JetBrains developer advocate, about
Rapid Prototyping in C++:
Dmitri Nesteruk“Like it or not, C++ programs aren’t exactly quick to compile. It’s a fact of life that developers using other languages enjoy faster turnaround times for testing out their ideas. And yet, all is not lost. In this talk, we’ll take a look at the ways in which С++ can be treated in a fashion that allows for quickly testing ideas. We’ll look at different approaches, including using C++ as a scripting language as well as the wrapping of C++ libraries for use in other REPL environments.”

And that’s not all…Have you ever thought about joining the JetBrains team in Munich? Would you like to be involved in the development of our brand-new cross-platform IDE for C and C++ called CLion?

One of our current priorities is the improvement of GDB and LLDB support in CLion, as well as adding new debugging facilities such as cross-platform and remote debugging, working with memory content and registers, and asm-level debugging. Does this sound like exciting to you? Or maybe you’ve already done something similar, for example developing plugins for a well-known IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse or NetBeans? Then check out the full job description and apply!

Or, if you’re interested, come to our booth and chat with our team lead, Anton Makeev. He’ll be happy to tell you more about our team, what we do and how we work. If things work out, next year you’ll be coming to Meeting C++ 2016 as part of the CLion team!

See you soon in Berlin!
The JetBrains Team

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