
Meet CLion, AppCode and ReSharper C++ teams at C++ Russia and GDC 2016


Our big C++ team is up for a couple of conferences in February-March and eager to meet you!

In February we’ll be happy to join C++ Russia in Saint-Petersburg. Meet us at the booth during the both conference days, February 26-27, 2016.

In March world famous Game Developers Conference is coming to Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA:
We are happy to be the part of the world’s largest and longest-running professionals-only game industry event. Find our booth 1743 in the Main Expo hall during all three days of the event, March 16-18, 2016.

As usual, we’ll be making demos, answering questions, sharing tips&tricks and our future plans at the booth, as well as giving away cool stickers and other presents. And you’ll have a chance to win a free license!

And if you are interested in Design Patterns and how classic Gang of Four design patterns can be improved via Modern C++, don’t miss our talk at C++ Russia (in Russian) conference or the San Francisco Bay Area C++ user group meetup (March 15, in English). And the next day (March 16) Dmitri will be presenting CLion at the Association of C/C++ Users’ Silicon Valley user group.

Meet our speaker:

Dmitri NesterukDmitri Nesteruk
is a developer, speaker, podcaster and a developer advocate for JetBrains. He is interested in software development and integration practices in the areas of computation, quantitative finance, and algorithmic trading. His technological interests include C#, F# and C++ programming as well as high-performance computing using technologies such as CUDA. He teaches an entry-level course in Quantitative Finance. He has been a C# MVP since 2009.

March 15: Design Patterns in the 21st Century
Design patterns started with Smalltalk and “old” C++. Since then, programming languages and paradigms have advanced quite a bit, and C++ is no exception. In this talk, we’ll take a look at how classic Gang of Four design patterns can be improved via Modern C++. We’ll also take a look at functional programming patterns and how C++ functional literals and lambda expressions make monads possible.

March 16: A Look at CLion
Want to learn about the most powerful and feature-rich C++ IDE? You’re in the right place. In this talk, we’ll discuss the genesis of CLion and take a look at the extensive functionality that it provides for leveraging CMake and Modern C++. With code completion, navigation, refactorings and a zillion other things, CLion is sure to impress!

See you soon!
The JetBrains C++ Team

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