Early Access Program

CLion 2016.2 EAP, build 162.1120.17


Another week brings another Early Access Program build with lots of goodies inside. Download the build here, or get a patch-update in the IDE (will be available soon), if you are using the previous EAP build.

Release is coming closer, so if you find any issue at all, please, report it to our tracker. Thank you in advance!

LLDB on Linux

After introducing big changes in the debugger drivers that improved performance and fixed many correctness issues, we continued working on new debugger features. CLion now goes with the LLDB on Linux (in addition to GDB) – version 3.8 is bundled into the IDE:

Attaching to local process thus works with both (LLDB and GDB) on Linux:
Note, that on Linux to use GDB for attaching to process you need GDB to be selected in Toolchains settings (this is a temporary solution, CPP-7011). On macOS attaching to process with GDB is still not possible.

Comparison, relational and stream output operators generation

CLion provides plenty of options to generate boilerplate code. In addition to constructors/destructors and getters/setters, this EAP build allows you to generate missing:

  • equality operators,
  • relational operators,
  • stream output operators.

These new options are available in the generate menu (Alt+Insert on Linux/Windows, ⌘N on macOS). Generation dialog allows you to select fields to use during the generation. In addition, you can configure:

  • if to generate all the equality/relational operators, or just == and < (this is also configurable under Editor | Code Style | C/C++ settings),
  • if to generate as class members,
  • if to generate in-place,
  • if to use std::tie for the operators implementation.

In case some of the operators are already there, CLion suggests you to add missing ones (and if all the operators are already there, you can replace all the existing with the new ones). Preview of the existing operators is available:

Note, that CLion doesn’t check that class members has its own operators specified.

Doxygen improvements

We continue our work on Doxygen support in CLion. As you may already know, CLion provides you with an ability to generate Doxygen comments stub. This build brings a few settings to configure how these comments will look like. You can select if you prefer @-commands or \-commands style and if you’d like CLion to add brief tag:

Besides, @code/@endcode and @verbatim/@endverbatim tags are now treated as text without any changes in Quick Documentation pop-up:

That’s it! Full list of release notes are available by the link.

Your CLion Team
The Drive to Develop

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