
Tell us about your embedded dev and win a prize!

Before we embarked on creating CLion, we ran a full-blown C++ market research study. This study revealed that embedded development was one of the top 3 markets that required the C++ language (with the other two being finance, including market trading, and game development). Based on this insight, we’ve always considered embedded development a priority for CLion.


However, until recently we haven’t been able to devote as many resources to this area as it deserves, as we’ve been busy creating the general and common features and improvements in CLion. Luckily, some of our customers have already had success in adapting CLion for embedded development on their own. A great example of such an effort is a plugin by Ilya Motornyy. In his two guest blog posts, he describes how it can be used to program for microcontrollers in CLion:

This year, we are going to get down to embedded. We are already collecting market research information, and this is where we need your help!

We’ve prepared a survey to learn more about how you do embedded development, what tools you use, what your needs and pains points are, and how we can help. Share your experience with us and get a chance to win a $50 Amazon certificate!

Complete the survey!

Your CLion Team
The Drive to Develop

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