Early Access Program News

CLion 2018.1.2 EAP


The new CLion 2018.1.2 Early Access Preview build (181.4668.25) is now available! Download it from our site or, in case you are using CLion 2018.1.1, install via a patch-update that will become available shortly.

Please, note that this EAP build requires an active subscription (or you can start a 30-day evaluation period).

Download CLion 2018.1.2 EAP

This EAP build addresses the following issues:

  • Incorrect ‘Class is never used’ inspection (CPP-5345). CLion now handles cases with constructor correctly, for example:
  • Completion for template classes was showing duplicated names in case of specialized declarations (CPP-12351)

It also improves the IDE performance on projects with many friend operators (like Eigen) – CPP-12321, and removes some infinite recursion in code resolve – CPP-12290.

Besides, this build brings fixes for a couple of annoying regressions:

Full release notes are available here.

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