
CLion 2018.3.1 bug-fix update


As you probably know, a big CLion 2018.3 update happened recently. It introduced initial remote development support, CPU profilers on Linux and macOS, and much more.

Today we are happy to announce the first bug-fix update for CLion 2018.3 – 2018.3.1, build 183.4588.63. Get this fresh build from our website, update via Toolbox App, or use snap packages (for Ubuntu). A patch-update will be available shortly.

Download CLion

Bundled Remote Terminal

You can launch an SSH Session right from CLion now. Invoke it via Tools | Start SSH Session, and then configure a new session or select one from the list:

Other fixes and enhancements:

The full release notes are available here.

Interested to know what’s in the works? See our roadmap for CLion 2019.1.

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The Drive to Develop

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