
Happy Holidays from CLion Team!

Hi all,

The year 2018 is coming to an end, and we’d like to take this moment to have a short look at all the great things that have happened this year in the C++ community and with CLion in particular!


C++ language

Back in 2017, we officially got a new C++ standard, while this year the C++ Committee managed to reach a consensus on many important topics for C++20!

Ranges, Concepts, Contracts, and many constexpr additions were merged into C++20.

The Modules design was approved and now it’s time for the wording specification work! We still have hopes for Modules in C++20, but even getting them in C++23 will be a huge win for the whole C++ community.

There are several proposals being widely discussed this year! Take a closer look if you haven’t read them yet – they are really worth it and will definitely change the way we develop in C++:

C++ conferences and community events

The number of C++ related conferences and community events keeps growing. The pivotal worldwide events such as CppCon, ACCU, C++Now, and Meeting C++ are all evolving, trying new formats, getting bigger, and attracting more and more C++ developers.

CppCon 2018 was huge, bidding a final farewell to Bellevue, Seattle, WA, and awarding Jon Kalb, conference organizer and Chair, for all his fantastic work on making the conference what it is today. The conference tried out some new activities this year – Lightning Challenges, Tool Time, and a new Exhibition format. And of course, as usual, bringing with it a lot of great high-quality C++ content. Get more details in our trip report.

In 2019, several brand new conferences are starting – don’t miss out on joining us at C++ on Sea in the UK and Core C++ in Israel!


In the CLion team, we rolled out 3 major releases this year, finally bringing to our users Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and Full Remote Mode support, and starting a new complementary language engine based on Clangd. We also added Gradle and compilation database project formats, bundled Databases and SQL functionality, and integrated CPU profilers into CLion. Our plans for 2019 are even bigger!

What is more important, we’ve made the product much more stable and responsive (some issues are still there, but there are fixes planned for 2019). We finally reached 160K developers per month using CLion! Surprisingly, most of them are on Windows now, with Linux in second place and macOS in third. There is also still huge potential to grow and dozens of great opportunities for CLion’s future evolution.

We are happy to have some new members join our CLion family and reveal a few hidden talents in the team:

We are excited to become more active in the C++ Committee and build an even a stronger relationship with the C++ developers around the globe.

Season’s Greetings from the CLion Team and all of us as JetBrains!

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