News Releases

CLion Bug-Fix Update 2021.3.2 With Fixes for Remote Development

The CLion 2021.3.2 bug-fix update, build 213.6461.75, is now available. You can get it from our website, in the Toolbox App, or as a snap (for Ubuntu). You can also update via patch from the IDE itself.


This update is focused on improving the new Remote Development functionality introduced in v2021.3:

  • Fixed the high CPU usage when idle: GTW-685.
  • It’s now possible to use Gateway to open a project by symlink: GTW-720.
  • Open classes and the placement of tabs are now preserved between sessions: CWM-4048.
  • Fixed glitches that appeared when scrolling through long lists in tool windows: CWM-3679.
  • Fixed the unclickable pop-ups: CWM-4422.
  • Added a context menu for Gradle tasks: CWM-4312.

Other fixes are listed here.

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