News Releases

CLion Bug-Fix Update 2022.2.2

The CLion 2022.2.2 bug-fix update has been released. Build 222.4167.25 is available from our website, via the Toolbox App, as a snap for Ubuntu, or via patch from the IDE itself.


Below are the highlights of this update:

  • Refactoring:
    • We fixed a bug that was causing a duplicate name to appear when performing the Rename refactoring (CPP-14772).
  • Code analysis:
    • We removed the incorrect Local variable is never used warning which appeared in the range-based for loop (CPP-30074).
  • Toolchains:
    • CLion now correctly collects compiler information for Clang-cl when cross-compiling from non-Windows platforms (CPP-29287).
  • Remote mode:
    • We fixed the regression that prevented CLion from synchronizing sources from local to the remote host in full remote mode in the case rsync is used (CPP-30288).
  • VCS:
    • The IDE now shows a balloon notification in the background for pre-commit checks that finish with failing results (IDEA-265084).
  • Markdown:
    • The Markdown auto-formatting action now correctly formats Markdown files with tables (IDEA-262735).

The full release notes are available here.


We announced our plans for CLion 2022.3 some time ago. The early preview for that version will start soon, so stay tuned!

Your CLion team
The Drive to Develop

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