Early Access Program News

CLion 2022.3 EAP: Cppreference Documentation, CMake Targets Under Root, and Function Return Value in Debugger

We’ve recently launched the CLion 2022.3 Early Access Preview program, which includes plenty of new CMake enhancements. The second EAP build is available today!

Build 223.6160.115 is available from our website via the Toolbox App or as a snap package (if you are using Ubuntu). Note that if you are on macOS, there is a separate build for Apple Silicon (M1 chip).

Because of technical issues, patches are not available this time. So please download the full build.


Open documentation at cppreference.com

CLion can now help you learn more about the standard functions, structures, etc. used in your codebase. The External documentation (Shift+F1) action opens cppreference.com articles in a web browser, or you can use the link in the Quick Documentation popup. This works for anything with a definition in the std namespace that is likely to have documentation on cppreference:
Cppreference documentation links

Running the CMake targets with the root privileges

You can now run any CMake target with administrative privileges in CLion. In the run/debug configuration’s settings, you can add any CMake target as an extra task performed before starting the selected run/debug configuration (by default, it’s only a Build step there). This target can now be run with administrative privileges:

Running CMake targets under rootGIF

CMake deprecated commands are now highlighted as deprecated symbols in the editor. Such symbols have strikethrough formatting.
Deprecated CMake commands

Function return value in debugger

When you step out of a function that has a non-void return type, CLion now shows its return value in the Variables view in the debugger toolwindow:
Return value in debbuger

Other enhancements

  • IAR language extensions are now supported in CLion. The code is parsed and highlighted correctly (CPP-10901).
  • Improvements to code analysis accuracy:

The full release notes are available here. Interested in what’s coming next? Check out our roadmap announcement!


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