Early Access Program News

CLion 2024.1 EAP 3: Assembly View Enhancements

Today, the CLion 2024.1 EAP 3 build (241.12662.59) is available from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package if you’re using Ubuntu.

Here are the main improvements:

  • Assembly view improvements:
    • The Assembly view for ARM targets is now shown correctly (CPP-36901).
    • Assembly view settings are now applied immediately, with no need to manually click the Refresh button (CPP-35851).
    • When editing a file for which the Assembly view is opened, CLion no longer throws an exception. In such cases, a hint is now shown to the user suggesting they refresh the preview. (CPP-37234)
  • Find Usages for CMake functions now works correctly when called from the Structure view (CPP-37085).

If you experience performance issues with GDB, we recommend you give this new setting a try. It works on Linux machines for executables launched from the IDE. When it is enabled, CLion prepares indexes for GDB before the debug session starts. On the first launch after enabling the option, only the executable will be indexed. After that, the IDE will detect when a program loads libraries and will index them for subsequent debug sessions in addition to the executable. This means that the first debug session with indexes enabled might still be slow, but subsequent ones should be faster. Please give it a try and let us know if it makes debugging faster for your project.

The full release notes are available here. Find out more about our plans for this release in the CLion 2024.1 roadmap.


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