Early Access Program News

CLion 2024.1 EAP 4: Switch to CLion Nova in CLion Classic

The CLion 2024.1 EAP 4 build (241.13688.39) is out! It is available from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package if you’re using Ubuntu.

With this build, we’re making CLion Nova available to all CLion Classic users. Switch to it from inside the IDE via the settings menu and try it out for yourself! Haven’t heard about CLion Nova or just curious about what’s happening with the separate CLion Nova builds available on the Toolbox App? Read on!


CLion Nova in CLion Classic

CLion Nova is an improved version of CLion that uses the C++ language engine from ReSharper C++ and JetBrains Rider. It addresses long-standing performance and quality issues and unifies the user experience across all JetBrains C++ tools. We launched it in November 2023 as a free preview and immediately got positive feedback from its first users. They confirmed that many core IDE functions became significantly faster and much more responsive.

CLion Nova still has some limitations compared to CLion Classic, the biggest one of which is the absence of support for remote development with a thin client (Gateway). Remote work using local sources is supported in CLion Nova, however.

CLion Nova in CLion Classic

Still, based on the encouraging feedback we received and our internal testing results, we decided to provide users with the option to switch to CLion Nova in CLion Classic builds. To do so, go to Settings / Preferences | Advanced Settings | CLion | Use the ReSharper C++ language engine (CLion Nova) (the setting is Off by default):

Switcher to CLion Nova

A separate CLion Nova build will still be released sometime next week via the Toolbox App. After that, we plan to sunset separate CLion Nova builds, and you will then be able to simply install CLion Classic and set it to either Classic or Nova mode right in the IDE.

Other improvements

CLion now bundles GDB 14.1. The presentation of the standard types that were broken with this version in CLion is now fixed (CPP-37500).

Settings / Preferences | Advanced Settings | CMake | Do not trigger CMake reload automatically has been introduced, replacing Settings / Preferences | Advanced Settings | CMake | Do not trigger CMake reload on external changes if auto-reload is disabled. The main difference is that CLion won’t trigger any CMake reload if this setting is ticked. This includes not reloading for events like adding new CMake profiles, creating new files, adding or installing packages via vcpkg, updating any CMake settings, and more.

These and other fixes are listed in the full release notes on our site.


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