
DataGrip 2018.1 EAP 2

DataGrip 2018.1 EAP 2

It’s time for a new EAP build for DataGrip 2018.1. Let’s have a look at what it brings.

Now when you run the file against a data source, your choice is remembered for further runnings.


Data source color affects console files in the Files pane.


Also, there are several important bug-fixes:

DBE-5960: Window functions are supported for MySQL.
DBE-5969: No more error when inserting a row with all default values.
DBE-5999: The ability to sort items in structure pane is added.
DBE-2102: Several fixes are delivered connected with default constraints in SQL Server. Now it’s possible to alter and delete them.
DBE-5968: Sybase shows correct length for nchar, nvarchar, unichar and univarchar types.
DBE-4962: Cascade rules of foreign keys are now correctly displayed for SQL Server.
DBE-6028: Code folding works with CTEs.

That’s about it! Thank you in advance for trying our EAP builds.
Your DataGrip Team.

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