Minor updates News

DataGrip 2021.2.3

The third minor update for 2021.2 introduces some important improvements and fixes.


DBE-14044: Test Connection shows a warning if the keep-alive query has one or more errors.

DBE-10341: We’ve added the Choose schema action as the default intention action for the Unresolved reference inspection.


DBE-4212:  [PostgreSQL] The problem with processing plv8 scripts has been fixed.

DBE-13878: [PostgreSQL] The Column is invalid in the select list warning is no longer falsely triggered.

DBE-5229: [MySQL] The Ambiguous column reference warning in a HAVING clause is no longer falsely triggered.

DBE-12475: [MySQL] Aliases in INSERT statements are supported.

DBE-12430: [SQLite] UPDATE FROM is supported.

DBE-12404: [Db2] We’ve fixed the bug that prevented introspection while data was being retrieved for users.

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